Holiday Q&A: How do I handle the holiday weight loss and diet talk without triggering my eating disorder?

Holiday Q&A: How do I handle the holiday weight loss and diet talk without triggering my eating disorder?

This is a great question. There’s more than one way to handle unhelpful conversations about food and weight that come up at holiday dinners or in small talk with relatives, and I encourage you to do what feels the most manageable for you on that day. That’s because the goal is not to handle the situation perfectly, but to protect your recovery, whatever that may look like for you right now. Here are some ideas for what you might try.

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But What About Health? The Relationship Between Weight & Wellness

But What About Health? The Relationship Between Weight & Wellness

Diets don’t work. It’s a line you’ve surely heard before. Perhaps it’s a statement that’s even supported by your own lived experience. Maybe you are so burned out on diets that you are ready to consider giving up the pursuit of weight loss for good.

Except that, maybe you’ve also been told that weight loss is important for your health. You’ve been told your joints will feel better, your blood sugar will improve, your risk for X, Y, or Z diagnosis will decrease. Or maybe that you’re “healthy” now but if you don’t get or keep your weight “under control” it’s just a matter of time before you begin to experience those “weight-related” illnesses. Maybe you're fearful that if you do give up trying to control your eating you’re being reckless with your health.

So, what are you supposed to do? How can you get off the diet culture roller coaster and still honor your health?

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