Can Healthy Eating and Intuitive Eating Co-Exist?

Can Healthy Eating and Intuitive Eating Co-Exist?

One of the fears many clients report when we talk about letting go of food rules is, “If I let go of the rules, I’ll only eat the unhealthy foods.” There’s a lot to unpack in this sentence, including the black and white belief that foods are either healthy or unhealthy, but also why this fear exists in the first place and what they fear would happen if this were true. This post, however, will focus what I think the main question is, which is: “can I eat intuitively and also desire to eat nutrient dense foods?”

The ways in which intuitive eating is depicted in the popular media and by many social media influencers often doesn’t help matters much when it comes to contemplating this question. So often leading people to view the intuitive eating concept of unconditional permission to eat as synonymous with eating with abandon (which it’s not) and making doughnuts the unofficial symbol for intuitive eating.

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30 Anti-Diet Practices to Try this Month

30 Anti-Diet Practices to Try this Month

If you’ve had thoughts about wanting to make changes to your eating or exercise behaviors this month– you’re not alone! The beginning of the year is prime time for businesses to market products, tools, memberships, and experiences geared towards helping people meet their new years goals or resolutions. As such, you may be seeing an increase in emails or ads on social media encouraging you to take steps to improve your health or to focus on prioritizing your wellbeing, by way of purchasing their products or participating in their programs. This is all fine and good, except when “health” and “wellbeing” gets boiled down to weight, and the goal is always weight loss.

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But What About Health? The Relationship Between Weight & Wellness

But What About Health? The Relationship Between Weight & Wellness

Diets don’t work. It’s a line you’ve surely heard before. Perhaps it’s a statement that’s even supported by your own lived experience. Maybe you are so burned out on diets that you are ready to consider giving up the pursuit of weight loss for good.

Except that, maybe you’ve also been told that weight loss is important for your health. You’ve been told your joints will feel better, your blood sugar will improve, your risk for X, Y, or Z diagnosis will decrease. Or maybe that you’re “healthy” now but if you don’t get or keep your weight “under control” it’s just a matter of time before you begin to experience those “weight-related” illnesses. Maybe you're fearful that if you do give up trying to control your eating you’re being reckless with your health.

So, what are you supposed to do? How can you get off the diet culture roller coaster and still honor your health?

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