Recipe: Roasted Summer Vegetable & Couscous Salad

Recipe: Roasted Summer Vegetable & Couscous Salad

I’m a big fan of preparing dishes that make for good leftovers all of the time, but this seems to be particularly true in summertime. Summers being so short in VT, I’d much rather spend my free time outside, savoring the season, rather than instead, in my kitchen. This is even more true on those really hot days, when turning on any cooking appliance in my non-air-conditioned home is a non-starter. This roasted summer vegetable and couscous salad is a great make-ahead-and-eat-all-week kind of dish. Plus, the bright colors, seasonal veggies, and freshness of the lemon and parsley, make it a satisfying summer staple to keep on hand. I recommend adding this salad to your rotation and keeping a batch ready to go in your refrigerator at all times.

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