Finding Food Freedom: What You Stand to Gain by Giving Up the Food Fight

Finding Food Freedom: What You Stand to Gain by Giving Up the Food Fight

Take a moment to imagine the life you want, the life you envision when you’ve achieved those elusive diet goals. What would be different? What would you do? How would you feel? Now imagine working toward all of that without a prerequisite of weight loss. The truth is, all those diets and food rules that have promised to provide you that path forward haven’t worked. Worse yet, they are standing in your way. You can find peace with food, you can care for your body, you can live the life you crave, all without pursuing weight loss first.

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4 Tips for Nourishing Your Body Without Feeling Like You’re on a Diet

4 Tips for Nourishing Your Body Without Feeling Like You’re on a Diet

So much of the information we see and hear about nutrition and “healthy eating” revolves around the nutrient content of the foods we eat. While I don’t want to suggest that that doesn’t matter at all, nourishing our bodies well is about SO MUCH MORE than that. It honors our whole being, not just our physical self. And, limiting our understanding of “good nutrition” to vitamins and minerals, types of fats and quantities of added sugar, can actually interfere with our ability to take good care of ourselves. These tips are designed to help you find a little more peace and flexibility around food and are an invitation to think a little bit differently about what it means to eat well.

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